

`The Illusion of Historical Truth☏


My name is Daniel. I was an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea, and am now a writer who has

published three books including South Korea: Our Story by Daniel Nardini.

                   A good part of what we are seeing now in this election in South Korea, where the political

left holds the advantage, has been in part influenced by a well known American scholar named Bruce Cumings.

When I was in Seoul, I could find his books in a number of bookstores. Among his best known books are

The Origins of the Korean War and North Korea: Another Country. He is the winner of the Kim

Dae-jung Award and is revered by the American political left as he is by the Korean political left. But, in my

view, he is wrong on just about every count. The problem with the first book I mention is that we now have

evidence from the Moscow Kremlin archives that show then Russian leader Joseph Stalin approved the

planned invasion of South Korea and had told Russian advisers working in the North Korean Army to

prepare for war. The second book is equally wrong because we have learned that North Korea had cheated

on all treaty obligations to build nuclear weapons and not keep its promises of getting rid of its nuclear

weapons. Despite all of this, Cumings and many other left wing scholars such as himself have a great

deal of influence to this day on the Korean as well as American political left. It is sad because the arguments

being used to this day by the Korean political left have come out in this presidential election to try and 

justify that if we "try to be nice" to North Korea and "blame" the Americans for the situation on the Korean

peninsula that everything will get better and that Korea can become a unified country again. This illusion

that calls itself historical truth is truly illusion.

저작자 표시 비영리 변경 금지
음악은 너무 심하게 취하지만 않는다면 일종의 아름다운 마취제이다. 시간을 잘 맞춘 침묵은 말보다 더 좋은 웅변이다.(터퍼) 나는 나 자신을 빼 놓고는 모두 안다.(비용) 미지를 향해 출발하는 사람은 누구나 외로운 모험에 만족해야 한다.(지드) To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war. "행동에 부주의하지 말며 말 한 마디가 세계를 지배한다.(쿠크) the world itself. 정신으로 창조된 것은 물질보다 한결 생명적이다.(보들레르) 지나간 고통은 쾌락이다.
↔↔ 지나간 고통은 쾌락이다. 친구들을 불신한다는 것은 그들에게 속은 것보다 더 수치스러운 일이다.(로셔푸코) 인간 복지의 참된 근원이다.(톨스토이)"
◇정신으로 창조된 것은 물질보다 한결 생명적이다.(보들레르) 울지 않는 청년은 야만인이요 웃지 않는 노인은 바보다.(조지 산타아나) Life itself is a quotation. 시간은 내가 그 속에서 낚시질을 하는 흐름이다.


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