

에토니에토르 영어 채점지▶


에토니에토르란 사람이 답글을 올렸길래 그분의 콩-글-리-쉬 를 분석, 교정해 보았읍니다.  콩글리쉬가 현시 한국에서 경멸이 담겨 쓰여지는 추세인지 어떤지 모르지만 broken English를 검색하면 그렇게 나오니 의미상 그대로 씁니다.  또 내용은 답변을 하신 에토니에토르에게만 국한되어 있다는걸 명시합니다.  에토니에토르씨는 이해안되시는 부분에 관해서는 답글달아 주시고 스스로의 영어실력을 냉정히 판단할수 있는 기회가 되었으면 합니다.  영어로 까불지 말라는 부분에 의한 답변이니 이유없고 쓸모없는 포스팅은 아니길 바랍니다.  


1.  ㅋㅋㅋWhat the hell is going on in your pussy??  2.  What is the fucking"Enlgish"then you wrote??  3.  your big pussy fart sound is so noisy and you can't figure out how to and when you speak English.  4.  You miserable long eared slack ass mother fucker like a shit cat with a cunt for a mouth and you are the only the biggest cock sucker in the world with shit brain.  5.  tell your mom I am ready for fuck with her tonite yo bitch of the bitch.ㅋㅋㅋ다신 영어로 까불지 마라 넌 나한테 안된다.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ                                               ____________________________________________________________________________________ 

1.  ㅋㅋㅋWhat the hell is going on in your pussy??  - it's probably better to use 'with' or 'inside' instead of 'in', as in with your pussy or inside your pussy, I can guess what you're tryig to say in Korean but it's awkward to use the preposition 'in' in this case.

2.  What is the fucking"Enlgish"then you wrote??  This one simply doesn't make sense (what is what fucking English that I wrote, that's how it would sound to native speakers (gibberish non-sense, sorry!), sounds very out of context, grammatically odd, the whole nine yards.  Why is there 'the' in front of English by the way??  If you tell me in Korean what you're tryig to say or convey, I can phrase it so that it has some narrative connection...and, don't use quotation mark unless you're actually quoting someone.

3.  your big pussy fart sound is so noisy and you can't figure out how to and when you speak English.  How noisy someone's pussy fart doesn't have anything to do with 'figuring out' how to speak English which is a little beside the point so I'll concentrate on your awkward / odd choice of 'figure out' as in figure out how to speak English & figure out when you speak English, 'fiture out' is an expression many foreign exchange students / adult immigrants can't seem to grasp and pops up too often in awkward phrasing.  What the heck is 'figure out when you speak English'???  I'll re-phrase the latter part of your sentence here so as to get rid of the half-bakedness, so to speak.  You don't know the right way or the right time/occasion to speak English...ahh much better, it feels so great to right the bastardization of English by a half-wit who gets a toehold of the language and boom, thinks he's a master English word smith... 

4.  You miserable long eared slack ass mother fucker like a shit cat with a cunt for a mouth and you are the only the biggest cock sucker in the world with shit brain.  As for 'long eared slack ass mother fucker like a shit cat', it's very typical of people who, after a few years of being exposed to English and can understand, speak at a reasonable conversational level to try and get 'FLASHY' with their newly acquired skill in the language and incorporate seemingly 'cool' swear words but this name-calliing carries no impact in the sense that it doesn't carry much sense (see what I did there with the word 'sense'?  Who am I kidding, of course you won't grasp it), oh and there's usually no spacing between mother & fucker -> motherfucker 0, mother fucker x.  If you tell me what you were trying to call me in Korean, I will tell you what the equivalent word/expression would be in English.  Moving on, 'you are the only the biggest cock sucker in the world with shit brain', you know what you did wrong, or do you?  I'll re-phrase it here so you can avoid constructing awkward sentences in the future - You are the world's biggest cocksucker with shit for brain. 


5.  tell your mom I am ready for fuck with her tonite yo bitch of the bitch.  Lastly, 'tell your mom I am ready for(???) fuck with(???) her tonite yo bitch of the bitch', hah...I'm getting tired of your BROKEN ENGLISH...I'll simply substitute again without your very odd / awkward use of prepositions, etc., try to say it this way next time, 'tell your mom I'm ready to fuck her tonite (I'll let you slip on this one since you have to use this spelling to look cool & others will think you're not an entry-level English speaker...) you biatch of all biaiches' (hopefully you'll find 'biatch' cooler than plain old bitch?)


Geez, I can only hope you have the competency to understand the corrections, crossing my fingers...
기와 한장 아껴서 대들보 썩는다.(한국속담) Only the just man enjoys peace of mind. 자신의 주인이 되는 자는 곧 다른 사람들의 주인이 될 것이다.(풀러) 지혜의 가장 명백한 징조는 쉴새없이 명랑한 것이다.(몽테뉴) 위인은 평범한 것에 관심이 있다.(허버트)" 전쟁에선 어느 편이 스스로를 승자라고 부를지라도 승리자는 없고 모두 패배자 뿐이다.(챔벌린) 친구에게 충고할 때는 즐겁게 하지 말고 하나님 앞에서는 울어라. 그러나 사람들 앞에서는 웃어하.(유태 속담) 현대화 보다 더 고상한 것이 있다. 그것은 바로 영원한 것이다.(솔로몬 세치터) 위인은 평범한 것에 관심이 있다.(허버트)"
◈● 쾌락 그리고 불평을 보라.(탈무드)" 사람으로 하여금 말하게 한다.(하이케이야기)" 모든 개량과 진보의 근본은 근로이다.(카네기)
♪"말하자마자 행동하는 사람 자연은 하나님의 작품이요. 예술은 사람의 작품이다.(롱펠로우) 저녁에는 기도하라. 오직 현명한 자만이 충고의 덕을 본다.(푸블릴리우스)"


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